Home (theory of the ego death and rebirth experience)

Drug Policy Reform & Entheogens


Politics of Consciousness author Kubby. 1

Sacred and Constitutional right to dangerous drugs. 2

How improving the world helps entheogen research. 4

Liberate the drug-war prisoners. 6

Drug-war imperialist bully takes a blow.. 6

EgoDeath and 9/11. 8

Conflict of interest: science association, prohibition. 8

Prohibition Propaganda Increases Teen Drug Use. 8

Normal people in U.S. clueless and easily shocked. 9

Unrefined cannabis "decriminalized" in Belgium.. 10

Earth Day: Hemp will save the world. 10

Book: Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use. 10

Book review: Drug War 12

MAPS journal: complete change of style. 13


Politics of Consciousness author Kubby

Steve Kubby was arrested by Canadian authorities today based upon US charges. He is facing trial tomorrow which may decide whether he is deported to the U.S., home of the drug-war prisoners.

The Politics of Consciousness: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

Steve Kubby, Terrence McKenna (Introduction)


My review:

5 stars

Correct thinking about mushrooms and freedom

The Politics of Consciousness covers cannabis, mushrooms, entheogens, and the meaning of democracy.  It promotes a respectful view of entheogens and other psychoactives.  Many books covering entheogens have dismissive attitudes toward other psychoactives, but like Jonathan Ott, Kubby is one of the few authors who present truly enlightened ways of thinking about psychoactives, religion, and freedom.

There are many books on entheogens, but few that are enlightened about political and religious issues.  Therefore I strongly recommend this book for entheogen scholars and activists.

>-----Original Message-----

>From: owner-freerenee~at~drugsense.org

>[mailto:owner-freerenee~at~drugsense.org]On Behalf Of renee boje

>Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 7:04 PM

>To: ccc-members~at~yahoogroups.com

>Subject: RB: Steve Kubby & Steve Tuck arrested today!

Please spread this information far & wide...

For Immediate Release: April 16, 2002


Edit      Reply Posted by            chris Bennett (Pot-TV Station Manager)

http://www.cannabisculture.com, http://www.pottv.net

Posted on          04/16/02 11:39 AM

American med-marijuana patients Steve kubby and Steve Tuck were arrested by Canadian authorities today based upon US charges. Both are being held with out the medicine they require for their well-being and are facing trial tomorrow which will likely decide as to whether they are deported. Besides the RCMP and immigration, a plain clothed unidentified individual, which eyewitnesses suggest may have been an American authority, was also present. They are being held in a Sechelt jail pending trial. Please Contact as much press and media as you can about this.

For more information contact : Renee Boje (US Med MJ Refugee) 604-886-6662

Michele Kubby (Wife of Steve Kubby) 604-740-2103

Lucy Tuck (Wife of Steve Tuck) 604-740-5755

Related websites: http://www.reneeboje.com, http://www.kubby.com

Sacred and Constitutional right to dangerous drugs

Our sacred and Constitutional right to dangerous psychoactive drugs

Nic posed the question:

How could it be right for people to put themselves in danger just because they simply *can* do something to expand their consciousness, even if it damages or hurts them? 

It is our right as citizens of a (purportedly) free society to endanger ourselves, whether or not there is something to be gained, and whether that gain is religious, recreational, pleasurable or hedonistic, philosophical, aesthetic, or emotional. 

People have the right to do things that are dangerous.  High school students in a free society should be taught this principle of being a citizen in a free society. 

Practically everything is dangerous.  Danger is existence, and existence is dangerous.  People have the right to drop a 10-strip of doses and test whether they are a potential chronic schizophrenic. 

People have the right to skydive, to mountainclimb.  I lost a friend mountainclimbing -- do I then join some "Mothers against Mountain Climbing" group, to make mountainclimbing illegal or intensely ostracized by society?  That would result in a society of slaves, sheep, or subhuman wimps, and would not be freedom, would not even be a human state of existence.

Freedom is dangerous.  If you remove the danger, you kill freedom.  Safety is not by any means the only consideration when shaping and guiding society.



Our Right to Drugs.  Thomas Szasz



In Our Right to Drugs, Thomas Szasz shows that our present drug war started at the beginning of this century, when the U.S. government first assumed the task of protecting people from patent medicines.

By the end of World War I, however, the free market in drugs was but a dim memory, if that. Instead of dwelling on the familiar impracticality or unfairness of our drug laws, Szasz demonstrates the deleterious effects of prescription laws, which place people under lifelong medical tutelage.

The result is that most Americans today prefer a coercive and corrupt command drug economy to a free market in drugs. Szasz stresses the consequences of the fateful transformation of the central aim of U.S. drug prohibitions from protecting us from being fooled by "misbranded" drugs to protecting us from harming ourselves by self-medication-defined as "drug abuse."

And he reminds us that the choice between self-control and state coercion applies to all areas of our lives, drugs being but one of the theaters in which this perennial play may be staged.

A free society, Szasz emphasizes, cannot endure if its citizens reject the values of self-discipline and personal responsibility and if the state treats adults as if they were naughty children.

In a no-holds-barred examination of the implementation of the War on Drugs, Szasz shows that under the guise of protecting the vulnerable members of our society--especially children, minorities, and the sick--our government has persecuted and injured them.

Leading politicians persuade parents to denounce their children, and encourage children to betray their parents and friends--behavior that subverts family loyalties and destroys basic human decency.

And instead of protecting blacks and Hispanics from dangerous drugs, this holy war has allowed us to persecute them, not as racists but as therapists--working selflessly to bring about a drug-free America. Last, but not least, to millions of sick Americans, the War on Drugs has meant being dep


Drugs as Property: The Right We Rejected

The American Ambivalence: Liberty vs. Utopia

The Fear We Favor: Drugs as Scapegoats

Drug Education: The Cult of Drug Disinformation

The Debate on Drugs: The Lie of Legalization

Blacks and Drugs: Crack as Genocide

Doctors and Drugs: The Perils of Prohibition

Between Dread and Desire: The Burden of Choice

Drugs and Rights.  Douglas Husak.


Do adults have the right to use drugs for recreational purposes? The first serious work to address the question argues that the war on drugs violates the rights of adults wanting to use drugs for pleasure, and that criminal laws against this use are incompatible with moral rights.



Drugs, drug use, and criminalization

The war on drugs

Medical and legal definitions of drugs

Legal regulation of drugs

Constitutional issues

Recreational drug use

The decriminalization movement

Arguments for criminalization

Drugs and harm to users

Consequentialism and drug use

Autonomy and drug use


Addiction and autonomy

Addiction, slavery, and autonomy

"Soft" paternalism and drug use

"Hard" paternalism and drug use


Drugs and harm to others

Utilitarianism and drug use

The evaluative assumptions in utilitarianism

Harm and disutility

The nature of criminal harm

Anticipatory offenses

Drugs and crime


Restrictions on drug use

Local controls and the importance of community

Reasonable regulation of drug use

Special cases: Pregnant drug users

Adolescents and adults

A moral right to use drugs: Misinterpretations

Drug Control in a Free Society.  Bakalar & Grinspoon.



A provocative analysis of the philosophical, sociological, and historical background of the attempt to control the distribution and usage of consciousness-altering drugs in modern industrial societies.


Questions of risk and liberty

The meanings of addiction and dependence

The historical direction of drug policy

Varieties of drug control

Solution or dissolution of the drug problem?

The Politics of Consciousness.  Steve Kubby.



Speaks to external freedom from voodoo drug laws, and then to internal freedom using the wisdom of psychedelic plants. Forward by Terence McKenna.


Molecular Theology


Downloading the Cosmic Design

Mushrooms as Manna from Heaven

Visionary rites-of-passage

How belief creates reality

Healing cancer

However, a more compelling book that all of these is Drug War: Covert Money, Power & Policies, by Dan Russell.  (drugwar.com).  It shows what really drives prohibition -- persecution for profit.  It is the best expose of how thoroughly, totally and absolutely foul, dirty, and corrupt the sham "war on drugs" is, including its motives and strategies -- for example, the last thing the leading prohibitionists want is to reduce drug use.  If drug use ended today, they would hasten to reinstate the situation.

How improving the world helps entheogen research

How entheogen research can improve the world, and how improving the world can help entheogen research

I suspect that the ego, and the whole Christian medieval/modern society built around it, couldn't have happened with ego-dissolving entheogens readily available.  By suppressing psychological maturation, artificially holding down our consciousness into a psychological ego-child-animal-demon level, we sought fulfillment through substitute means, per Ken Wilber's early books. 

We have to especially look at the early, Radical Enlightenment such as Decartes but especially Spinoza -- that is the critical turning point where Christian-originated culture flew past other cultures.  Also consider Islamic science prior to the Enlightenment that happened later within Christian culture.  Islam may have had some amount of entheogenic inspiration, as did Christianity to apparently a small degree. 

How often were entheogens used in ancient Israel, in Christianity, in shamanism, in Islam, in Asian religion and culture?  Imagine a global parallel graph showing different religions over history and how strong entheogen use was in each religious thread over the centuries -- you'll find an appropriately detailed storyline.  We won't get far with overgeneralizations like "Christian culture is scientific but not entheogenic". 

So to begin your discussion we need a reasonably dynamic model of which religions/cultures used entheogens when, and which supported scientific development, when -- to find what the patterns and correlations in fact were, between religions, entheogens, and scientific development, over time.

Perhaps Christianity was the most unfulfilling religion because it suppressed entheogens the most, and this led to an ill-aimed backlash: science ignorant of entheogens.  Maybe the "right" solution that most cultures would have taken is to reject Catholic culture by taking entheogens.  Instead, in Christian culture, the Radical Enlightenment and then the Moderate Enlightenment generally rejected religion and created modern science.

Entheogens are valuable because they bring enlightenment.  Entheogens are also valuable because they are tools for studying cognition and are also general tools for thinking and creative production.  Therefore they have great potential to contribute to any projects such as developing a sustainable society.  We have barely begun discovering entheogens in modern Christian culture, and you could say we haven't even given them a chance and haven't even discovered them yet, given that they are still being suppressed and persecuted with full force. 

It's much too early to evaluate achievements and contributions of entheogens in modern Christian-originated culture; we can just speculate on how Western culture might develop now that we have transcendent knowledge (metaphysical enlightenment about ego as illusory controller), understand mythic experiential allegory and socio-political allegory, and have cognitive loosening agents as general-purpose information-age tools.

Keep fields distinct and differentiated even as you try to cross-apply them.  Entheogen technology is a general tool applicable to other fields.  One such field is scientific development for learning more about the world and for developing a better world.  You cannot subsume all tools into the assumed master project of scientifically improving the world. 

Improving the world such as better sustainability is one area of human activity and concern.  Improving our understanding of mind and entheogens is a distinct area of human activity and concern.  Per Ken Wilber's book A Theory of Everything, the two domains are distinct and they interact; you cannot collapse one into the other -- that would be a form of reductionism. 

From the point of view of the entheogen realm considered in isolation, sustainability and improving the world is totally irrelevant and worthless.  From the point of view of the modern scientific progress realm considered in isolation, entheogens and enlightenment and cognitive research tools are totally irrelevant and worthless.  The two realms are distinct and differentiated and must not be collapsed and distorted, whittling away one domain so that it is "reduced" and artificially crammed into the other.

There are many ways the mushroom makes us a better race, increases the carrying capacity of the planet, and helps us develop fusion power, and helps us promote republics rather than hierarchical empires or domination systems -- but mushrooms cannot be assessed only in those terms.  To do so is as misguided as blaming the sustainability movement for failing to bring us metaphysical enlightenment and ego death and rebirth, and failing to provide a microscope ideally suited for studying cognitive processes. 

The sustainability movement, and modern scientific progress, certainly can assist the goal of metaphysical enlightenment and help support my project of  systematizing and mapping out the ego death and rebirth phenomenon -- but I would never evaluate the value of the sustainability movement purely in terms of the light it sheds on metaphysical enlightenment; to do so is a form of reductionism, distorting domains, and misusing tools. 

Per Wilber's approach of Integral Studies, the correct question is, what is the ideal relationship among the domains of entheogens, sustainability, science, and politics?  What are some ways entheogens can help sustainability?  What are some ways sustainability can help entheogens?  Neither domain's value can be measured solely in terms of the other domain's value-system.

As just one example, mushrooms clean up oil spills -- but that is hardly the central reason why psychoactive mushrooms are of interest.  Domains must be kept distinctly differentiated even when we aim to maximize their interpentration and mutual support.

People ask "But what use is metaphysical enlightenment for improving ordinary daily life?"  That is reductionism: assuming that one domain subsumes another.  We might as well reply with the question "But what use is ordinary daily life for providing metaphysical enlightenment?""

Liberate the drug-war prisoners

How would I like to be honored for my inspired discoveries after my framework is vindicated?  Selling lots of books?  I would consider it a high honor if we would release the drug-war prisoners with full amnesty and repentant apology, and complete restoration of all voting rights and other rights, and complete legalization and complete decriminalization of all psychoactive drugs and plants, including cannabis, psychoactive mushrooms, coca, LSD, opium, ecstasy; and unhindered applications of all plants, such as hemp products; and eliminate the prescription system, that deathly fountain of iniquity (per Thomas Szatz).

The schedules of prohibited substances themselves should be made illegal, in the name of the freedom that the U.S. is, in principle, really about.  I dedicate today's postings at the Egodeath discussion area to Steve Kubby, saint and martyr.

The Politics of Consciousness : A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

by Steve Kubby, Terence McKenna (Introduction


http://www.kubby.com, http://www.mapinc.org/sknews/v02/n740/a03.html?101 -- "These raids seem to have started because of the recent media attention on Canadian national TV, local papers, and FOX TV news.  Steve is again in a life and death situation while in custody. What worked before was massive intervention.  We need your help.  Steve's life is on the line.  The officers who arrested Steve K.  are ... Please call and tell these people that Steve is in serious danger, and that he is not a flight risk and will show up for his appearance.  Thank you for your support.  We had hoped that all of this was over, but it is not.  As Benjamin Franklin said..."

Drug-war imperialist bully takes a blow

Because of my research related to Reformnav.org, a major rescue organization asked my advice on quickly setting up an online donation channel for the 9/11/01 New York situation.  I had to resist saying "I recommend donating to drug policy reform organizations before donating to any other charities.  As compensation for my advice, I hope you donate to these organizations at reformnav.org."

"Poor, poor America, never did anybody any harm" does not compute, especially in light of the very much *American* WOD.  America was forced to take a little time out from dumping planeload after planeload of poison on Central America, to cry and solicit sympathy.  What is embarrassing to the American leaders is that this terrorism raises a question that the leaders want kept under the rug -- why would anyone dislike America?  Why, indeed.  As the articles below demonstrate, I am not the only American citizen who the terrorists have successfully caused to investigate what America looks like to those who evidently hate it.  Do they have such hatred for no valid reason?  Just what exactly *is* their point of view?

The terrorists have succeeded to a degree in cracking the facade kept between the U.S. international policy and the awareness of the U.S. citizens.  Are we *really* righteous?  Are we civilians *really* innocent?  Or are we guilty of acquiescing in our government's own terrorist oppression and brutal killings.  The U.S. trains "intelligence" operatives to commit terrors in the name of the bunk, make-believe War on Drugs.  The intellectual laziness and gullibility of the U.S. citizen is a moral failing and ignorance does not mean innocence.  The average U.S. citizen is ignorant, but *not* innocent.

Are we U.S. citizens innocent of the evil scheming and lawless murderousness of their own government, that has the audacity to lecture other countries about human rights, but was recently kicked off the UN committees on illicit drugs and human rights?  Ignorance and apathy are no excuse.  Joe American does arguably have blood on his hands.  Columbian cannabis has blood on it, from U.S. taxpayer-purchased bullets, even if Joe American permits himself to be shielded from awareness of this fact.

Did America deserve a retaliation?  The bogus Drug War has been *central* to America's imperial scheming.  I love freedom, but to American imperialism (or Ott's etymologically correct term "Usan" imperialism), I just say No, and I say that as an entirely 100% product of America.  I love what my country *claims* to be about, but I hate much of the reality of what America has been in actuality, as the founders would -- they did not mean to found a devouring empire. 

Are people who hate America largely right and righteous?  After reading Dan Russell's book Drug War, the answer is "Yes, obviously, if your awareness is at all greater than the American propaganda."  I'd love to see 9/11/01 lead to self-doubt on the part of Americans, an interrogation of what our politicians are *really* doing with our international policy, which is so well represented in our very much American (that is, Usan or USAn) b.s., forked-tongue "War on Drugs".

http://www.reformnav.org -- rapid-navigation portal for drug policy reform sites

If anti-terrorism is "The New War" according to CNN, then what is "The Old War"?  Last night (Sep 14) in a CNN talking-heads discussion, they suddenly were comparing the drug war and the anti-terrorism war, warning against never-ending actions that were never really intended to be brought to a conclusion. 

The implication in this CNN discussion seemed to be that the con-artists who really run our government have written off the drug war as no longer managing to fool anyone; people don't want to give the drug-warrior con artists money anymore in the name of the WOD.  So now the con artists are having to change their game, their story.  Now it's, fund our scheme so we can protect you from our, I mean the, terrorists.

Knowing how the "intelligence" scam works, I assume until disproven, that the people who are *ultimately* behind terrorism are the same people who claim to protect us from  terrorism, just like the people who are ultimately behind illicit drug running are the same people who claim to be trying to stop drug running.

All drug policy reformers should study the mind of the con artist, because the WOD is not essentially about health or ignorance; it's essentially a giant con swindle.

http://www.reformnav.org -- rapid-navigation portal for drug policy reform sites

>Michael Hoffman has written the MOST lucid email on the debate on what has happened and what to do I have seen in days.

I certainly do not recommend violent acts in the original posting in this thread.  I am not particularly in favor of any group committing any violent acts against anyone.  I suspect the terrorism is a ruse and I suspect the retaliation is a ruse; I don't buy any of it as simple and directly reflecting reality.

As we have seen so clearly in the fake, so-called "war against drugs", nothing is as it seems.  The U.S. media is in league with the military-industrial establishment.  I believe the buildings fell, but I maintain total skepticism about who is really behind that and who the bad guys are -- given these doubts, there can't be even the beginning of talk about committing punitive violence against the bad guys.  If you want bad guys who may need to be stopped by force, look for the word "Intelligence".

The establishment is eager for violence to stop people from asking "What is really going on here?  Let us investigate who has been good and who has been bad."

The CIA and related "intelligence" groups should be immediately dismantled and some of these "intelligence" people locked safely away in jail -- I mean the kind of people who came from the OSS and may preach democracy but actually are power-mad con-artists.

EgoDeath and 9/11

>In the wake of 9/11/2001, has anyone else experienced certain levels of ego-death? I'm experiencing some of the same emotions by watching the news as I would via mushrooms.

I had the feeling of a melatonin dream for 48 hours after 9/11 a.m.  The notion of giant planes flying through giant buildings, and a network of other highjackings at the same time, is too extremely *weird* and *disturbing* to be real.  If someone asked me why melatonin dreaming is so disturbingly creepy, I would now say, "You know the feeling of 9/11/01?  Melatonin dreaming is exactly that same feeling."

I dream about procuring and taking psychoactives very often.  It is one of the most dominant themes in my dreams.  This includes some ego-death type experiences, but usually more ordinary psychoactive experiences in the dreams.

Lately, melatonin has not produced bizarre and disturbing dreams that feel like a psychic invasion.  Maybe I am used to melatonin.

Conflict of interest: science association, prohibition

From: TRoberts

Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002

To: maps-forum

Subject: MAPS: It's hard to convince someone ...

To paraphrase Upton Sinclair: It's hard to convince someone of something when their salary depends on not believing it.

It's time science journals broadened their conflict of interest standards to cover situations such as this and source of funding.

>Here's a telling bit that may help explain why Science published this paper [the famously and literally scandalously bunk "Ricuartegate" paper on E, I guess -mh] even with the evident problems:

>"Alan Leshner, former director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and chief executive of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which publishes Science, agreed. "This says even a single evening's use is playing Russian roulette with your own brain," he said."

>Mmmm, so the CEO of AAAS is the former director of NIDA.  Interesting.

Prohibition Propaganda Increases Teen Drug Use

The teevee is, first of all, propaganda.  TV news is not "what's happening", but rather, "what the Establishment wants you to think is happening and to know about."  Much tv news (media news) is actually decoy news, of 3rd-rate importance, designed to prevent you from being aware of truly 1st-rate importance news.  The goal is to fill up an hour of "news" (McNews) with a man cutting up a few people and eating them, with alas no time left over to show the U.S. funding mass murder of thousands of people all around the world. 

It's like sending the entire police force for a candybar shoplifting while a crime syndicate is out robbing a hundred banks at once.

Put a big bumper sticker over your tv and over every newspaper: PROPAGANDA AND DISINFORMATION.  This is why alternative news sources are so important.

>Good news on the drug war front: White House drops post-911 "drugs = terror" campaign after studies show the ads "fostered so-called pro- drug beliefs among teens."


>Apparently, the connection between anti-drug laws and opportunities for black marketeers to fund terrorists in the first place was just too clear to even the average befuddled American.  After all, they know that their marijuana comes from the back yard, or Uncle Paul, or at most from someone in Mexico.  

>In the spirit of the study that showed Americans who watch Fox News had more erroneous beliefs about the world than others, I propose that Americans would in general become smarter if they turned off the TV and increased their drug use.  (Tune out, turn on)  This would be consistent with M. Hoffman's observation that the Classical World (still officially considered the "Golden Age" by rightwing blowhards promoting a return to the glory of our Dead White European forefathers) was "awash in hallucinagens"

Normal people in U.S. clueless and easily shocked

>my self-identity as a law-abiding citizen is solid.  so i went to a different country, where the laws are different.

People should obey the laws and work to change bad laws.

As Captain Kirk in a Star Trek movie reminded his crew when visiting Earth in the 20th Century, remember to be careful; this is a barbaric and backwards, primitive society.

The U.S. media has a lock grip on popular attitudes (this isn't about popular *thinking*, just attitudes).  People think what the media trains them to think.  The media is controlled by corporate and political interests, which are heavily distorted and influenced by the money-flow dynamics of prohibition-for-profit.  Robotic zombie co-workers have the unenlightened attitudes they have been trained and programmed to have.  The fault is systemic and societal, not simply a matter of each individual needing to be smarter and more critical and well-informed. 

A good milestone was the movie Traffic.  It's not an enlightened movie and does not teach enlightened and historically grounded attitudes about drugs, but it nailed down for good one fact: prohibition is a complete failure and will continue to be a complete failure at achieving its official goal of reducing drug use.  No self-serving prohibitionist can ever be taken seriously if they claim to be succeeding at reducing drug use, so that particular move is pretty much unusable now.

The number one thing to do to undermine prohibition is to show that all the Hellenistic mystery religions including Christianity and Jewish mysticism of the era were based on and centered around entheogens, and that entheogens continued to be influential and commonly used in the major religions, including throughout Christian history, and that Christianity is thoroughly entheogen-shaped -- completely entheogenic in its form. 

Part of setting this record straight is to thoroughly debunk the worldview that "entheogens are somewhat successful at imitating genuine Christian mysticism" (in fact, official non-entheogenic Christian contemplation is barely successful at imitating genuine Christian entheogen-based mysticism).

I prize offensive axioms that are too powerful for ordinary conversations: there is no free will; Jesus and Paul didn't exist; compared to entheogens, meditation doesn't work at all; enlightenment is rationally comprehensible; myth is entirely about the intense mystic state, not about daily life struggles; religion and mythology are the same thing; religions are based on and centered around visionary plants.  Before people said "Jesus is lord, savior, son of God, redeemer and deliverer arrived in the flesh", they formed that language to talk about Caesar. 

I have mixed feelings about the instant violent demolishing of people's limited views of the range of liberal thinking.  Most typical is "So what do you think Jesus was really about?"  "There was no Jesus."  "What?"  Today's evangelist and pop Buddhist is equally innocent of knowing the Calvinist doctrine of no-free-will, and can hardly imagine such a view being a main foundation of Protestant history and theology, or of some schools of Buddhism (witness the scandalized shock and uproar continuing through several issues of "What Is Enlightenment?") 

What I discuss has the power to deeply shock people -- it is not clear that we always want to deeply shock the people around us, people who consider themselves to be fairly open and aware.

>> People should obey the laws and work to change bad laws.

>How can that happen in the United States (changing bad laws)?  Has it ever happened in recent history?


>Do we have such a system in the United States?  What are our options?


To research:


Unrefined cannabis "decriminalized" in Belgium

For cannabis to be a full-on entheogen, eating several grams of hashish is likely most effective -- but hashish remains under the pharmacratic inquisition in Belgium.  The new policy is only *relatively* enlightened; a partial move in the right direction.  "Instead of punishing your descendents to the 7th generation, now we only punish to the 6th generation."  The paradigm of prohibition fully remains, though that "drugs are bad" paradigm itself is the real, significant problem.

http://www.drugpolicy.org/news/06_18_03belgium.cfm -- Belgian Marijuana Decriminalization Now in Effect -- "As of Monday, June 2 2003, marijuana possession was officially decriminalized in Belgium. ... Possession of one plant or up to three grams of marijuana will draw a warning and a fine of 15 to 25 Euros. A second offense within one year draws a fine of 26 to 50 Euros. A third offense within one year may be punished by up to a month in jail. Decriminalization does not apply to cannabis oil or cake. Smoking in the presence of minors, near schools or army barracks is now considered a public nuisance ... The drug will be confiscated in all cases. ... Use of drugs in a group is no longer an offence ... Belgium now joins Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, and Spain on the list of European countries that have legalized or decriminalized marijuana possession. Britain has moved to reschedule marijuana as a less serious drug, with possession punishable only by a fine. The Netherlands keeps its marijuana laws on the books, but tolerates possession and regulated sales. Marijuana possession remains a crime in other European countries, but is generally lightly punished compared to the effects of the strict and harsh laws of the US."

Earth Day: Hemp will save the world

Here are pages that mention "earth day" and hemp.


This subjects is related to the phoney drug war, which is related to psychoactives, which is related to primary religious experiencing.  It strains the mind to imagine anyone so evil as to aggressively prohibit plants -- and in a supposedly free country, and even when those plants, such as hemp, have tremendous environmental potentials, and are a proven source of primary religious experiencing.  King Pentheus was rightly torn to pieces by his own mother for rejecting Dionysus, the god of psychoactive wine mixtures."

Book: Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use

I will scope this out to look for the entheogen theory of religion. Described below.  "Puts the erroneous claims of prohibitionists into historical perspective."

Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use

Jacob Sullum


J. P. Tarcher, May 8, 2003

Amazon.com Sales Rank: 942 (very high)

"Jacob Sullum has produced a thoughtful, sane, and logical analysis of our drug laws.  Is that even LEGAL?"

- Dave Barry, syndicated columnist

"Saying Yes is a powerful refutation of the pharmacological prejudices underlying the war on drugs.  Jacob Sullum highlights the injustice of punishing people for their politically incorrect choice of intoxicants."

- Nadine Strossen, president of the American Civil

Liberties Union; professor of law, New York Law School

"Sullum pits the truth against the lies of the drug prohibitionists."

- Thomas Szasz, professor emeritus of psychiatry, SUNY

Upstate Medical University

"I've never used a recreational drug (or even had a sip of alcohol) in my life, but Jacob Sullum makes a great case to stop the drug wars.  He exposes the tricks of the drug warriors, who scam the crowd with huckster patter about magical substances that force people to do evil."

- Penn Jillette, the larger, louder half of Penn & Teller

"Jacob Sullum shows that drug use is far from an all-or- nothing phenomenon and that all use is not abuse.  He puts the erroneous claims of prohibitionists into historical perspective."

- Mark Stepnoski, former NFL player (Dallas Cowboys, Tennessee/Houston Oilers); president, Texas NORML



Dear friends:

DRCNet is pleased to announce a new book offer:  "Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use," a new, scholarly work by author Jacob Sullum of the Reason Foundation.  "Saying Yes," published by Tarcher/Putnam, strives to accurately portray the controlled responsible use of drugs that is the norm, not for all, but for most drug users.  This is a controversial notion in our society and to some extent even in the drug reform movement itself.  Whether you are inclined to agree or disagree with Sullum's central point, we hope you'll read "Saying Yes" and to hear and consider Sullum's evidence and arguments in full.  Just visit http://www.drcnet.org/donate/ and donate $35 or more, and DRCNet will send you a copy for free.

Your donation will help in a second, very important way.  The drug reform movement is in a financial crisis of greater proportions than I have ever seen in my nearly ten years of involvement.  While some help is on the way from the movement's major grant program, the Tides Fund for Drug Policy Reform, they have unfortunately chosen a timetable that won't see funds disbursed until September.  That means your help is very much needed in the meantime -- DRCNet literally will be unable to pay its bills or payroll or keep its online petitions to Congress running through even next month, without your support.

So please visit http://www.drcnet.org/donate/ to make a generous donation by credit card or to print out a form to send in with your donation by mail -- or just send your check or money order to:  DRCNet, P.O. Box 18402, Washington, DC 20036 -- and contact us for instructions if you'd like to make a contribution of stock.

I have read Jacob Sullum's book and learned from and enjoyed it, and I believe you will too.  So visit http://www.drcnet.org/donate/ and donate $35 or more to make your contribution and get your free copy!  (You can also request other books we offer, as well as StopTheDrugWar.org t-shirts, mugs and mousepads.)

Please note that donations to the Drug Reform Coordination Network are not tax-deductible.  If you wish to make a tax- deductible donation to support our educational work, make your check payable to DRCNet Foundation, same address.  Again, visit http://www.drcnet.org/donate/ to join, donate and order your free copy of "Saying Yes."  And make sure to check out issue #289 of The Week Online, coming out tomorrow morning, to read a review of "Saying Yes" by DRCNet writer/editor Phil Smith.  Thank you for your support.


David Borden

Executive Director

P.S. Visit http://www.cato-institute.org/events/030529bf.html for links to watch Jacob Sullum's book talk live at the Cato Institute, noon today (Thursday, 5/29), and Real Audio to listen to afterward.

Book review: Drug War

I posted a short review, or recommendation, of Dan Russell's books Drug War, and Shamanism & Drug Propaganda.  It's wonderful that Amazon has book excerpts, making customer reviews much less critical for a buying decision.  I don't feel I can do an adequate review summarization of Russell's books, but at least I can quickly grant 5 stars.

http://www.reformnav.org -- rapid-navigation portal for drug policy reform sites

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0965025349 -- Drug War: Covert Money, Power & Policy.  Dan Russell.  Sep. 2000

Top-notch content. Explains how the drug war is *fake* -- a flimsy invented excuse for persecution for profit and for generating the funny money that the corporate state needs.

The War on Drugs has nothing to do with reducing drug use, and everything to do with immoral means on the part of the authorities to gain power and money for themselves, no matter what the cost to others.  If the so-called "drug problem" was eliminated today, the prohibition industry would hasten to re-create the "drug problem" as quickly as possible -- their income depends on it.  This book follows the money and shows how this evil situation came about.

Drug policy reformers especially should read this book, to understand how the leading prohibitionists are incincere.  You can't take the prohibitionists seriously after reading this book.  They are fakes, actors, manipulators, amoral liars -- con artists.  The drug war is revealed as a giant con scheme on the part of the prohibitionists who strive to whip up fear and panic among the gullible public.

Definitely recommended. Covers 19th and 20th century prohibition for profit.

The book lacks statements of how the line of argument proceeds through the chapters and sections, but the content is excellent and much needed.

See my Amazon profile for related information.


See also:

http://www.tripzine.com/reviews.asp?id=drugwar -- Drug War: Covert Money, Power & Policy.  Dan Russell.  Sep. 2000

by James Kent

A review of Dan Russell's tour de force expose of the War on Drugs

The subtitle of Dan Russell’s epic dissertation, Drug War: Covert Money, Power & Policy, says it all. Make no mistake, this is not a book about the so-called "War on Drugs" we hear about in the newspapers, the one being fought on our streets between cops and druggies or border guards and drug smugglers. Nor is this the tale of earnest DEA agents matching wits and military hardware in a valiant attempt to bring down international drug lords and dope smugglers the name of the good old American social values. No, this book is something else entirely, nothing less than a scathing expose of the corrupt power structures which have emerged under the policy of US global drug prohibition, and a detailed look at all the brutalities, genocidal wars, and seedy covert operations that have been financed by the inflated value of prohibited drugs since day one.  ...


http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0965025314 -- Shamanism and Drug Propaganda"

MAPS journal: complete change of style

MAPS (http://www.maps.org) is between a rock and a hard place.  When they bend over backwards to act boringly scientific, they lose the interest of their supporters.  When they provide information that their supporters find interesting, the journal no longer looks boringly scientific and thus no longer looks scientifically respectable.

Their previous issue was the first shift away from the usual scientific approach, to cover art.  This move toward popular relevance of the journal was Sylvia's idea and then she left MAPS to join a Rave safety activist group, to underscore her call for relevance.  I get the impression that supporters such as myself have voted with their feet and wallet saying that MAPS must remain relevant and not just pretend to be scientific by sacrificing relevance.

James Arthur discussed this issue with Sylvia in front of a conference audience.  I'm trying to recall how the fascinating exchange went, among those present.

The new, current issue takes this approach of relevance to the extreme -- it's amazing; the issue is the extreme opposite of the journal's traditional approach.  What happened to inspire such a complete turnabout?  Loss of popular support?  Loss of staff or even staff walkout?  Change of journal leadership?  Competition or inspiration from Trip magazine (http://www.tripzine.com) or Entheos journal?

Years ago, I responded to a survey.  This new issue, years later, includes a quote from me criticizing sitting meditation and praising the eucharist, in the review of Saunders' recent book.  I haven't found my quote in the book itself.


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