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'Drug Users Lame' Fallacy - Diminishment by Focus on Recreational Users under Prohibition


Why drug users now seem to disprove enth.-based enlightenment 1


Why drug users now seem to disprove enth.-based enlightenment

Why contemporary drug users seem to contraindicate entheogen-based enlightenment

Enlightenment occurs through the use of visionary plants integrated with study of perennial psychology.  Numerous heavy rock lyricists are enlightened, due to an effective art knowledge tradition combined with entheogens.  However, this enlightenment barely achieves full basic enlightenment; a more systematic model of the principles and intellectual content of enlightenment is needed.

Drug users appear lame due to the censorship effect of prohibition; the best minds are prevented from public strongly positive statements and integration of entheogens into philosophy.

One cannot know by superficial impressions whether a person is metaphysically enlightened.  Today's notion of enlightenment is held by the generally unenlightened, and is thus an unenlightened and misguided notion of what enlightenment entails and is about.


Home (theory of the ego death and rebirth experience)