Home (theory of the ego death and rebirth experience)

The Matrix Movie


Movie: The Matrix: Neo as the missing link and messiah; Christ's body as the red pill 1

The Matrix themes, Mythic Godman, The Chosen One. 2

Matrix movie. 3


Movie: The Matrix: Neo as the missing link and messiah; Christ's body as the red pill

>>>Like McKenna liked to point out as archaic revival or re-evolution, this shift in understanding *and* shift in experiencing will in fact be *the* essential "missing link", more important than the familiar idea of the "missing link" in the Theory of Evolution.  When you look at the forces lined up against this thoroughly entheogenic reconception of religion happening, the conflicts of Church vs. Galileo, or of the right wing against evolution seem almost picayune -- trifling, paltry, and petty.

As a key theorist of the maximal entheogen theory of religion, I am the missing link, the Neo, the one, the savior, the Jewish messiah.  You were right, Agent Smith: everything was destined. 

I suspect Christianity was largely a later invention based on the Renaissance-era Jewish idea of the messiah.  So I am reading not on "Kabbalah" (yawn) but on broader Jewish mysticism including the "messiah" metaphor.  The movie The Matrix isn't an allusion to Christianity; rather, The Matrix and Christianity are both systems of allusion to entheogenic mystic altered state experiential insight. 

Matrix resonates with Christian themes and takes advantage of the resonance but Matrix does not point to Christianity; it points beyond the Christian system of allegory to that which Christianity itself points to: transcendent experiential insight resulting from swallowing the medicine of awakening.  The blue pill is the placebo sacrament used in today's fallen and apostate so-called 'churches'.


>>Morpheus contacts Neo just as the machines (posing as sinister 'agents') are trying to keep Neo from finding out any more. When Morpheus and Neo meet, Morpheus offers Neo two pills. The red pill will answer the question "what is the Matrix?" (by removing him from it) and the blue pill simply for life to carry on as before. As Neo reaches for the red pill Morpheus warns Neo "Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more."

>>The film as a whole and especially the choosing scene is deeply compelling. Why is the choice between what you believe you know and an unknown 'real' truth so fascinating? How could a choice possibly be made? On the one hand everyone you love and everything that you have built you life upon. One the other the promise only of truth.

>>The question then is not about pills, but what they stand for in these circumstances. The question is asking us whether reality, truth, is worth pursuing. The blue pill will leave us as we are, in a life consisting of habit, of things we believe we know. We are comfortable, we do need truth to live. The blue pill symbolises commuting to work every day, or brushing your teeth.

>>The red pill is an unknown quantity. We are told that it can help us to find the truth. We don't know what that truth is, or even that the pill will help us to find it. The red pill symbolises risk, doubt and questioning. In order to answer the question, you can gamble your whole life and world on a reality you have never experienced.

>>However, in order to investigate which course of action to take we need to investigate why the choice is faced. Why should we even have to decide whether to pursue truth?

>>The answer in short, is inquisitiveness. Many people throughout human existence have questioned and enquired. Most of them have not been scientists or doctors or philosophers, but simply ordinary people asking 'what if?' or 'why?' Asking these questions ultimately leads us to a choice. Do you continue to ask and investigate, or do you stop and never ask again? This in essence, is the question posed to Neo in the film.

>>So what are the advantages of taking the blue pill? As one of the characters in the film says, "ignorance is bliss" Essentially, if the truth is unknown, or you believe that you know the truth, what is there to question or worry about?

The question was written too garbled to answer:

"Can anyone see an allegory of a different kind in the two films ( ... ) choice and free will,symbolism and perhaps drug psychosis,.

Allegory for Christian themes is not different than allegory for choice and free will and allegory for psychotomimetic hallucinogenic drugs.

Choice and freewill is perhaps the central philosophical issue of the Matrix movie series.  Many religionists and philosophers agree that there is no issue more important and central than freewill and determinism. 

Regarding allegory for drug psychosis, an ancient metaphor is that that ordinary consciousness is unreal, dreaming, and inebriation/drunkenness; whereas the sacred food and drink brings reality, awakening, and sobriety.

Sacred food and drink, metaphorized as  'mixed wine', means visionary plants such as opium, datura, cannabis, mushrooms, henbane, thornapple, scopolamine, and salvia.

The Matrix contains metaphorical allusions to the full standard set of themes, including so-called "religious" or "Christian" themes, freewill vs. determinism themes (which are actually core for religion), and entheogenic drug themes.

The Matrix themes, Mythic Godman, The Chosen One

The meeting with the Architect is a variation of the ego death experiential realization and insight. 

A description of this experience styled in the form of meeting the Architect: the person takes entheogens, walks through a maze while thinking about the nature of self-controllership and the power to make a choice, and feels drawn to an inner room (compare the child-eating Minotaur in the labyrinth) as serious doubts about self-controllership power arise, and the feeling of self-controllership is gradually suspended and examined consciously. 

The Architect isn't clearly conscious, isn't clearly human, isn't clearly carbon-based -- in fact the chair on which the Architect sits is empty except for a mysterious glow.  Thoughts about self-control arise in your mind of their own accord -- your thinking is seized and blinded with perceptual and conceptual feedback.  Thoughts arise as from a spring from a hidden source outside the room of your mind -- thoughts about the relationship between time, change, freedom, will, control, and world. 

Another perspective arises and is felt: frozen timeless block-universe determinism, with thoughts injected into the room of your mind, thoughts that logically must be laid out, according to this elegant, beautiful, harmonious conception, already in the future.  TV scenario images play out all around, and you are drawn toward the exit door.  You don't know what scenario is there, and you realize you cannot change it -- it is given to you timelessly by the Architect. 

You realize that because you never could have coherently had any metaphysically free will, you are exempt from freewill moral agency ethics, and everyone else is exempt too, with only the Architect to praise or blame.  But isn't the Architect morally liable?  Perhaps, but how could the Architect be subject to ethics, when the Architect runs the whole world and conventional ethical agency is an illusory logical contradiction? 

To "balance the cosmic accounts" upon eliminating at a sweep all the world's metaphysical freewill moral culpability, the only reward and punishment would have to happen on the mythic plane, and it would have to be the Architect himself, who doesn't even really have a body, and is outside spacetime.

Your will is being led toward the door and you know you cannot but follow it; your hands are tied with respect to originating your own control-thoughts.  Fear and distrust, apprehension arises from the hidden spring of thoughts: how can you trust the Architect?  The Architect injects thoughts showing you his ability to make you will things that directly and emphatically, specifically contradict your accustomed will. 

Looking closer at your thoughts or mental constructs than before, even your control-thoughts and feeling-thoughts, they are labelled "authored by the Architect -- legal property of the Architect -- part of the Architect".  You are made to genuflect in acknowledgement of your relationship as control-agent to the Architect.  You are sent out to tell others your experiences, knowing some will be made to understand. 

You were injected with excited ecstatic trembling fear, realization of your precarious situation out of your apparent control, but you find that as soon as you are made to genuflect in acknowledgement of your controllership relationship to the Architect, the fear is replaced by joy and calm and amazement. 

As you are led by your mysteriously arising will-movements to the exit door, your accustomed natural degree of self-confidence in your controllership returns, though now you are able to remember the other, timeless perspective as well.

The movie series The Matrix is much more mystic and gnostic than the movie series Lord of the Rings.  I like Matrix and dislike Rings.  Are there any Matrix philosophy books yet that include coverage of the final part of the trilogy?

Matrix movie

My egodeath-related selections from


Inevitability -- with a more linear accent than timeless frozen block-universe determinism -- is a common theme here.  Spiritual cybernetic self-controllership ego death through realizing inevitability.

Neo: You’re programs.

Rama: Oh yes. I am the power plant systems manager for recycling operations. My wife is an interactive software programmer. She is highly creative.


R: No, I don’t mind. The answer is simple…I love my daughter very much. I find her to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. But where we are from, that is not enough. Every program that is created must have a purpose…if it does not, it is deleted. I went to the Frenchman to save my daughter….You do not understand.

N: I’ve just have never…

R: Heard of programs speak of love.

N: It is a human emotion.

R: No, it is a word. What matters is the connection the word implies…I see that you are in love. Can you tell me what you would give to hold on to that connection?

N: Anything.

R: Then perhaps the reason you are here is not so different from the reason that I am here.

Merv: The eyes of The Oracle. I have told you before there is no escaping the natrue of the universe. It is that nature that has again brought you to me. Where some see coincidence, I see consequence. Where others see chance, I see…cost. Bring me the eyes of The Oracle…and I will give you back your savior. It seems a perfectly fair and reasonable deal to me. Yes…no?


Trinity: You want to make a deal? How about this…you give me Neo or we all die right here, right now.

Merv: Interesting deal. You are really ready to die for this man.

T: Believe it.

Persephone: She’ll do it. If she has to she’ll kill every one of us. She’s in love…

Merv: It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity.

T: Times up. What’s it going to be Merv?

Smith: The great and powerful oracle. We meet at last. I suppose you’ve been expecting me. The all knowing oracle is never surprised. How can she be…she knows everything. But if that’s true then why is she here, if she knew I was coming why wouldn’t she leave. (Smith throws cookies from the table) Maybe you knew I was going to do that, maybe you didn’t. If you did that means you baked those cookies and set that plate right there deliberately, purposefully…which means that you’re sitting there also deliberately, purposefully.


Oracle: Do what you’re here to do.

Smith: Yes ma’am.

Smith changes The Oracle into a Smith, gaining the eyes of The Oracle.

Smith: This is my world! My world!

Fight, Neo on ground not moving.

Smith: Wait…I’ve seen this is it, this is the end. Yes…you were laying right there, just like that. And I…I…I stand here, right here…and I’m suppose to say something. I say…everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo.

Neo starts to get up.

Smith: What? What’d I just say? No…no, this isn’t right, this can’t be right. Get away from me!

Neo: What are you afraid of?

Smith: It’s a trick.

Neo: You were right Smith…you were always right…it was inevitable.

Smith puts hand into Neo, changing him into a Smith.

Smith: Is it over?

The newly transformed Smith shakes his head “yes.”

Neo is then “crucified” in the real world, there is the appearance of a cross on his chest during this. All the Smiths disappear.

The Source: It is done.

Neo’s body is dragged toward the machine and there is the appearance that Neo’s consciousness still percieves the machine’s light energy.


Home (theory of the ego death and rebirth experience)