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Selectable-Wattage Amps

Patents for variable-wattage amps and power attenuators

Clark: Tweed Saver - an AC isolation transformer and voltage reduction device. Rated at continuous 4 amps output it will power your vintage amp at 7 to 12 volts less than your line voltage. Most areas of the USA are pushing between 120 to 130 volts AC at your outlet. This is more voltage than what your vintage amp wants to see. This item is also perfect for those old Dynacos. It features aged tweed covering, spike protection on the primary and secondary, a fused primary and secondary, 18 gauge construction, a custom wound transformer, twenty foot Belden AC power supply cord, power indicator lights on the primary and the secondary, an on / off switch, and a single three prong AC outlet. With a power strip it will easily power 2 amplifiers. Picture $335.00


Jim_Kelley/FACS amp - pwr atten instead of master vol. ... an attenuator that was made by Jim Kelley's former company [Active Guitar Electronics]

Jim Kelley FACS with DC Relays, power attenuator - schem available

[Koch Twintone]

Koch site


hot plate, 5.5, CAE, str6v6 Lennon


THD UniValve amp being made? Yes, again. $799. chassis only, no head box or combo cab. dynaco stereo 70 style. Available soon.

[var-watt amps]

One of my main ideas lately is to add a few parts to a standard 30-watt gigging amp to add a couple-watt tube power amp circuit as well, for home use. A 30-watt amp and a 2-watt amp, all in one package, would be the right flexibility. I don't think I have a page about this idea yet.

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